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  • Writer's picturePeter Roberts

Single File Download for all BTTB Quizzes - QR Code Posters

Updated: Apr 23

Updated and now in a format that you can easily edit/amend to include your own organisations logos and other descriptors.

This single file allows a download of Quiz Posters with QR Codes for all of the larger quizzes and the short 5-minute filler quizzes. Useful if posted and rotated in student spaces. With access via mobile devices and desktop pc's, apprentices and students may be encouraged to explore / revisit themes beyond planned learning opportunities in your sessions.

Download these QR code linked posters here

All BTTB Quiz QR Codes
Download PPTX • 3.22MB

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The brickwork qualifications landscape is going through considerable change, as such over the next couple of months I will be revising the shared BTTB practical work books to ensure they deliver again


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