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  • Writer's picturePeter Roberts

Student Report Template (codified)

Updated: May 31, 2023

A simple report form that requires an input of numbers (type in or use drop down box) to generate a comment in each heading. 1-Outstanding, 2-Good, 3-Requires Improvement, 4-Inadequate. Allows for some personalised comment at the lower end of the form. (1 has been set as the default)

The password for the report sheet is 123 if you you wish to make changes to it. The detail for each of the report headings are included on hidden sheets. If you wish to change a report statement, unhide the relevant sheet by clicking on the bottom tab and select unhide and then the relevant tab. Make your changes and then hide. All future reports will be referenced to your new statements from the drop down numbers.

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The brickwork qualifications landscape is going through considerable change, as such over the next couple of months I will be revising the shared BTTB practical work books to ensure they deliver again


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