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QR Code Linked Drag and Drop Mobile Revision
Name the Tools and Equipment BT Engineering UK
Circle terms and examples of their relationship to brickwork (H5P)
Design Types and Information Sources (H5P drag and drop)
Solid Ground Floor Construction (H5P) Drag and Drop Updated version
Financial Calculation (Drag and Drop) H5P
Construction Terminology - core unit (H5P)
Identification of Automotive Hand Tools (H5P)
BTTB Identification of Truss Designs (H5P)
Drag and Drop - Plumbing Symbols & Components (H5P)
Central Heating Systems Drag & Drop (H5P)
Engine Parts Drag and Drop (H5P)
Exhaust System Components Drag and Drop (H5P)
Name Components: Eaves Detail (H5P)
Name Components: Window Head Detail (H5P)
Identification of Decorative Features (H5P)