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All BTTB resources are free to access.
BTTB Generation 'Memory' Game: Motor Vehicle Hand Tools
15 images of motor vehicle hand tools will pass by on the conveyor belt. Students watch and try to identify and name as many as possible...
Identification of Automotive Hand Tools (H5P)
A series of tool identification pages for automotive apprentices and students. 28 names and descriptions to be matched to the 28 images....
BTTB Darts Themed Quiz - Identification of Motor Vehicle Tools
An in-class revision activity for Year 1 Motor Vehicle apprentices and students in a fun and engaging format. Identify 20 commonly used...
Exhaust System Components Drag and Drop (H5P)
An auto-marked drag and drop activity for your motor vehicle students and apprentices to name 14 components within the pictured exhaust...
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